
PT_0 (Neo-America and The Silver Age of Robotics)

After the collapse and reformation of the United States into Neo-America (2033-2039), the Oligarchy of the Ultra-Wealthy sought a return to America's tech dominance as seen between the 1950s-2020s.

PT_1 (The Machine Triumphs Over Death)

The year is 23XX and Neo-America’s Wealthy have found a way to rule forever: Never die. After death the mind is extracted from the human cadaver and placed into a pure body of steel and silicone for them to defile.

PT_2 (Plesure and the Psychotronic Mind)

Once dead and reanimated in the drone body you’re forced to pay an exorbitant fee or forced into labor to “pay off” your robotic body. Most Post-Animation contracts are only supposed to last a year before being “freed” and consist of menial labor (factory work, assembling vehicles or other robots, construction) and service jobs (food service, house keeping). Even though drones are given six hours a day for personal activities (14 hours for working, 6 for personal activities, and 4 in a semi-conscious “Charging” state), drones will often use them to work even more due to its effect of the drone’s mental state. Due to the nature of psychotronic pleasure and the lack of any simulated sex organs, drones become reliant on working and praise for their sexual gratification and gradually become addicted to obedience, causing stress on, and the eventually destruction of, the human personality. Drones slowly developed parasocial attachments to their bosses, coworkers, and customers, viewing them as their “masters” or “owners” and themselves as willing slaves. Often worker drones learn to love being used and abused, as well as most shunning there former human lives to stay as obedient robot slaves.